Partner with Blending A Family

Partner with us today in spreading GOD's hope, help, and victory to other Blended Families.

We plant seeds of some sort everyday. Two important facts about your seeds:

  1. The soil in which you plant is the fruit that you attract. Your harvest will contain the ingredients of the soil in which you sow.
  2. The quantity of seeds you plant increases the fruitfulness in your family.

As you partner in prayer and finances, God will multiply your gift back to you into wisdom, guidance, and blessings for your blended family.

Please join us to expand our reach to struggling families! Monthly partners are the backbone of our ministry. 

We cannot do it alone.

Thank you so much for believing in BAF - we are so grateful to all of our Partners!


- Blessings to you and your family!
  Moe & Paige Becnel

           Blending a Family Ministry


One-time Gift Seed
Any Amount

Blending A Family Ministry is a 501(c)3 Non-profit Corporation.       All financial contributions are Tax-Deductible.