Book Endorsements
God Breathes on Blended Families - 2nd Edition
“God Breathes on Blended Families - 2nd Edition is fueled by the experience and passion Moe and Paige have for blended families. You will find practical insights and tools that will assist those that find themselves in a blended family and for those that are called to serve in marriage and family ministry. God Breathes on Blended Families addresses a pressing cultural need. We recommend that everyone in ministry read this book and expand their vision for non-traditional couples and families.”
Eric and Jennifer Garcia, Co-Founders,
Association of Marriage and Family Ministries, Inc (AMFM)
“God Breathes on Blended Families 2nd Edition brings hope and practical advice that every parent in a blended family should read. The struggles of blended families are met with real solutions from
the Becnel’s who know their Bible and understand the challenges these families face. I am amazed at the practical Biblical approach. This book is a must read for every blended family.”
Dr. Scott Turansky
National Center for Biblical Parenting
Moe and Paige Becnel and their family are willing to share their trials and victories so that others can grow to understand that God does Breathe on Blended Families. This is not just a theory
book, but an inside look at a Blended family that shows people that blended families can become a strong family. Thanks Becnel’s for your honesty and example!
Dr. Shane Stutzman
Lead Pastor, Eastside Baptist Church, Orlando FL
President, Doing Whatever It Takes Ministries
Author – Does Your Church Connect With Blended Families?
Paige and Moe speak from personal experience but unlike many other authors, they continually take the reader to the Word of God. They encourage everyone to get clarification from the Word before
trying to address whatever problem is at hand at the moment. And like their experience validates, problems bringing two families together is an everyday event. This book is an encouragement to those
wanting to succeed at combining families and lifestyles under one roof.
Linda Ranson Jacobs
Executive Director, DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K)
God Breathes on Blended Families
A God centered view of how to raise a blended family
"This book is a tremendous tool to have in learning how to tackle virtually any of a blended family's hurdles using a faith based approach. I highly recommend it after having been through the class
based on the book that the authors personally teach as well. There truly isn't anything like it! You will be blessed!"
- R. Bayliss
Absolute Necessity if you are a blended family or thinking of remarrying
"This is an awesome source of very true and real issues in a blended family. Prior to entering into a second marriage, this book is a must read! It offers solutions to problems and situations that are inevitable and having that knowledge ahead of time will save a lot of heartache and tears-"
- Traci Brunner
Spiritually Grounded, Practical, and Full of Wisdom
"This book is a sanity saver. I received more revelations and practical insight from this book than I thought I would. Moe and Paige not only hear from God but they listen to Him and apply it. They understand the struggles a blended family faces because they have been there and succeeded in producing well-balanced children and a healthy marriage. This is a biblical approach to a blended family, not a worldly view. It is just what I was looking for. This book is a must for anyone considering becoming a blended family or for anyone who is already in one. EXCELLENT!!!"
- A. Grant
Great Book! Highly recommended...,
"for ANYONE who is in a blended family! My husband and I just finished the book and the workbook. When we began, we didn't know how this book might impact our family. WOW! What a difference it has made in our family! We are very happy with the results and our hope is that other families will come across this book and be as blessed by it as we have been! I noticed that another reviewer knocked the Becnels for not being "formally trained" and giving what she called "scary advice." I am a Christian, and I do not believe that one must be formally trained in order to work through God to help others. This is truly a fantastic book, as evidenced by the many great reviews it has! Thank you so much Paige and Moe for writing this book and for the many blessings your ministry has given my family!"
- C. Matherne
Practical life application for blended family struggles
"I am a Christian, a husband and a father who with his wife, started on a blended family journey three years ago. All seven of us expected family bliss. But then reality hit and the difficulties began in earnest. With the accompanying workbook we also purchased, this resource not only illuminates many of the difficulties our family is dealing with - which helps us realize we are not alone in such struggles - it also encourages a compassionate heart and true understanding of 'the other side' of why the struggle is happening in the first place. Using the Bible as it's basis for responding in grace yet tough love, Paige and Moe weave a theme of having us remove our own pride from the equation, and start having us see things the way God sees things, to get things back on track. While it is true that it will take time to turn things around for ours or any other blended family, I have for the first time through this Becnel account, a reason for hope in what I was beginning to see as a hopeless situation, and a vision of what our family truly CAN be. If I had to describe this book and workbook, I would describe them as a message of Hope and a reason to continue on. If you are at your wits end in frustration with a blended family situation that just does not seem to be getting better, you need this book!!"
- Plexitim
Practical life application for blended family struggles
I am a Christian, a husband and a father who with his wife, started on a blended family journey three years ago. All seven of us expected family bliss. But then reality hit and the difficulties began in earnest. With the accompanying workbook we also purchased, this resource not only illuminates many of the difficulties our family is dealing with - which helps us realize we are not alone in such struggles - it also encourages a compassionate heart and true understanding of 'the other side' of why the struggle is happening in the first place. Using the Bible as it's basis for responding in grace yet tough love, Paige and Moe weave a theme of having us remove our own pride from the equation, and start having us see things the way God sees things, to get things back on track. While it is true that it will take time to turn things around for ours or any other blended family, I have for the first time through this Becnel account, a reason for hope in what I was beginning to see as a hopeless situation, and a vision of what our family truly CAN be. If I had to describe this book and workbook, I would describe them as a message of Hope and a reason to continue on. If you are at your wits end in frustration with a blended family situation that just does not seem to be getting better, you need this book!!
- A reader from Mendham, New Jersey
Interactive Reflection! Time well spent!
I am happy to say that my fiancé & I are recent participants of an awesome journey of classes led by Moe & Paige Becnel. God Breathes on Blended Families continues to bless our lives, and the best IS yet to come! I especially appreciated the workbook that complemented the main book and classes. It was a great resource for pausing, studying and learning. I loved the structure that it gave me to FOCUS on the awesome responsibility at hand! My fiancé and I gained valuable insight about each other and found out that although some of our ideas were different . . . with the Lord's help and these valuable tools . . . based on SCRIPTURAL principles, we too could blend a family and be that light of hope to our future generation. I am glad to be a part of this. We are so blessed. Thanks!
- Sharla Sossamon & Ray Howe
Our journey has just begun...
If you are getting married (or already are) with children this book is a necessity for your family! My husband and I just completed Blended Families 10 week course with Moe and Paige using this book and the workbook and all I can say is WOW! This book will start you on a lifelong journey wanting to be the best family that you can be. With God on your side, how could you fail! God Breathes On Blended Families has brought me closer to my children, my husband, and especially to God. I've learned how to deal with simple little things in life that in a new family often seem so hard to over come. We've just begun our journey as a "blended family," but with what we've learned reading this book, it has created a solid foundation for us to build our new family on. I hope and pray that you read this book in your life. With God and Prayer in your life anything is possible!
- Tonya
A New Perspective on Being a Blended Family
This book was truly an eye opener. I never thought by reading something it could so drastically change my perspective of my entire life and family. This book has helped me gain the strength and guidance to be a positive impact on helping my family achieve success in "blending". It is not an alone effort, but this book helped me achieve the mind set, look deep in my heart and seek out God as number one in our family. With God in our hearts success is a given, and all the trials and tribulations ahead of us will merely be God molding our family till it reaches one heart. Thank you for sharing your life, your lessons, and your love for God with us.
- Tracy Hollier
God Restores Lives
GOD BREATHES ON BLENDED FAMILIES is a tremendous testimony of the restoration life that God wants all blended families to live. As God has done so many times in the Bible, He has turned the Becnels life around and made their family something beautiful. And what He has done for them, He will do for all who follow Jesus Christ.”
- Sr. Pastor Dino Rizzo, Healing Place Church Baton Rouge, LA
Finding the Beauty in Blended Families
“It is often very difficult for divorced persons of faith to move on into a life of fulfillment and grace. Sometimes it's guilt, sometimes it's regret and sometimes it is resentment that holds us down in the bonds of living a half-life. GOD BREATHES ON BLENDED FAMILIES by Moe Becnel & Paige Becnel reminds us that this is not what God wants for our lives. Christ came so that we may have life, and have it abundantly. Through Christ, we ALL have forgiveness for not-so-perfect pasts. This simple reminder echoes through the book in reassurance that the regret and guilt that restrain us are imposed by the ideals of an imperfect man... not by a perfect, forgiving and loving God. The tenderness and truth of the Becnel's story inspires hope and comfort in the family struggling to form the delicate bonds that truly define a "family". This book has given me hope for the future, and has highlighted the forgiveness of my past. The Becnel's have reminded me through their intimate depiction of poignant moments and proud smiles, that... YES! God Breathes on Blended Families!”
- Nicole Weyant, Editor
I tell everyone about this book
I wasn't sure what a blended family was until I read this book. I think it takes a great deal of courage to get down into the trenches with people, eyeball to eyeball, and talk about such a painful subject. The book reminds me of the power of unity and what we can do with God's help." Amy Cordon, General Editor, Magazine
It made a real difference in our dreams! "GOD BREATHES ON BLENDED FAMILIES gave us the hope of successfully "trying again" when statistics and society says, "don't bother". It made a real difference in our dreams! Reading this book prior to our marriage changed our lives tremendously! It warned us of different pit falls and common traps that many, if not all re-marriages face. Finding out it could take up to 8-10 years for a family to really blend relieved the pressure of thinking it should be done within the first year. Not only this book, but this couple helped take the rubble of two shattered lives; and with the Grace of God build a strong blended family that will forever lift the name of Jesus!"
- Patrick & Ana Sharp
GOD BREATHES ON BLENDED FAMILIES offers hope to families in need of healing.
"There was a time in my life when I needed sound Godly counsel in the area of Blended Families. I was amazed that I had so much trouble finding information in the Christians book stores that could help me make the transition from being a "step mom" to a MOTHER! Moe and Paige’s book "GOD BREATHES ON BLENDED FAMILIES" offers hope to families in need of healing. Better yet, read their book before the downward spiral begins!! Yes our redeemer lives and he has a purpose and a plan for the Blended Family too!"
- Debra Maffett Host, Harvest TV
WOW! What an encouragement
"WOW! What an encouragement to know that others have braved the storm and want to tell others that they are not alone. GOD BREATHES ON BLENDED FAMILIES is a beacon to those who are going through these dark and confusing times right now! Thanks for your willingness to serve."
- Jimmy and Kristi Delaune
Solid Biblical ways
“GOD BREATHES ON BLENDED FAMILIES” was an encouragement and inspiration. It gave me solid Biblical ways of dealing with blended family issues in a practical, loving,
Christ-centered home. It is a supportive resource in dealing with the complex dynamics of remarriage with children. Paige and Moe’s transparency is refreshing.”
Ricki Giersch
A blessing for our family
Though I'm long-since grown-up by now, the serious issues and baggage of coming of age in a blended family continues to haunt all of us. I bought copies of this book and brought them home with me for the holidays, and now family members have been writing to me all month long with ways we can move forward, together, as a family, in the long and involved process of mending old wounds. It may be a healing process via Email, but we're healing nonetheless! Thanks so much, Moe & Paige!
- A reader from Atlanta, GA
Insightful and heartwarming
With so many Christian books out there bashing blended families and offering nothing more than dismal statistics, this book is a blessed relief! Moe and Paige offer hope and inspiration with their sage advice. As a blended family member and a Christian, I found it to be a perfect resource for me. As an author, I can attest to the book's great organization and eloquence. Reviewer: - A reader from Ontario, Canada
We are using this book and workbook to lead a Blended Family small group. This book does an excellent
job of covering every single topic. Kyle
Love It
Very helpful and moving. No matter what age your children are this book is beneficial. Lisa Norris
Must Read for Blending Families
This is a must read for anybody who is even remotely thinking about combining two families into a
marriage. Topics include everything from dynamics that involve children to the spousal relationship itself,
all while including GOD. We were blessed to have 10 sessions with the authors, Moe and Paige, learning the process to help our family learn how to deal with the challenges that may face us. The book details the first hand experiences that Moe and Paige went through with their children over the years and present ideas to make the home a loving, caring and spiritual environment. Jeff and Diane
My husband and I blended our family 9 years ago. Before we got married we both read this book. It helped so much to see things we might not have seen initially or expected. In a lot of ways it made us feel "normal." We recently had friends getting married and blending their family and we ordered it for them. We pray it was as much a blessing to them as it was to us. A great gift to any couple getting married and blending a family. Amazon Customer
Excellent Book on the Subject
On my goodness, this is a must read if you are part of a step-family/blended family. We bought a few books on the subject when we got married and this one has the most relevant information for our situation - we both have kids from previous marriages. J. Sunshine